I have been privileged to work with a wide range of people within organisations both on a one to one basis and in groups. I have seen first hand what individuals are really capable of when they have the opportunity to connect with what is truly important to them, to release their unique potential and enhance their personal performance. I have witnessed how this in turn has contributed to growth in organisations, society and even transformed lives. Being a part of that developmental journey, witnessing the transformative power of coaching and personal development and making a difference in this way are the real driving forces behind Uniquely Human Consulting.

My eighteen years experience of working with a wide range of individuals from graduates to senior leaders, within a number of sectors including Financial Services, Insurance, NHS, HE, Secondary and Primary Education and the Gaming Industry, has provided me with a wealth of knowledge about how business, charities and not for profit organisations really work and the tangible difference that investing in people and organisational development can make to their success.

As you might expect , I have a real thirst for learning. My current areas of interest include psychology and neuroscience and working through my bucket list. To date, snorkelling with sea lions in the Galapagos Islands has been a real  highlight, especially as I am a terrible sailor!

My experience is complemented by a range of professional qualifications including:-

  – Chartered MCIPD 
  – Certificate in Training and Development,
  – Advanced Certificate and ILM 7 in Executive Coaching
  – Institute of Career Guidance Professional Development Award
  – Psychometric Licences; MBTI Step 1 & 2, TEIQue and FIRO-B.